Dr. Ely Susanto


    Organizational Behaviour

    Public Administration Behaviour

    Human Resource Management

Research Interest

    Organizational Behaviour

    Public Administration Behaviour

    Human Resource Management

Education Background

    2010/Ph.D. – in Institute of International Business, College of Management, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (OB and HRM).

    2006/MBA. – in International Master of Business Administration, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (OB and HRM).

    1999/S.I.P. – in Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Experience & Membership

    2022, Tim Pelaksana Kajian Kerja sama antara Program Studi Administrasi Publik FISIPOL UGM dengan Pemerintah Kota Balikpapan.

    2021, Tim Penguji Test Kompetensi Bidang Calon Dosen UGM tahun 2021.

    2019, Member of expert team, Provincial Government of Yogyakarta Special Region, KOMINFO

    2018, Editor in Chief, JSP (Jurnal Sosial dan Politik) FISIPOL UGM

    2018 – 2019, Member of expert team,  Provincial Government of Yogyakarta Special Region, Biro organisasi

    2016 – Present, Head of Graduate Program of Public Policy and Management Department, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada.

    2020, Tim tenaga ahli Pendampingan Penyusunan Dokumen Rancangan Teknokratik Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Daerah Kabupaten Ponorogo Tahun 2021 – 2025.

    2020, Tim Penyusunan Kajian Pengukuran Pencapaian Target Visi Misi Bupati Gunungkidul Tahun 2016-2021. 

    2020, Pengurus IAPA 2019-2022 Dewan Pengurus Pusat (DPP).

    2020, Reviewer, Tim Editorial Journal of Social Development Studies (JSDS).

    2020, Reviewer, Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat.

    2020, Reviewer, Training Personnel Review.

    2020, Reviewer, Training JFP Tingkat Pertama Angkatan XXVI.

    2020, Reviewer, Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi.

    2020, Reviewer Journal Borneo Administrator.

    2020, Reviewer, Asian Academy of Management Journal.

    2019, Tenaga Ahli Pendamping Biro Organisasi Pemprov DIY.

    2019, Reviewer Journal Borneo Administrator.

    2018 – 2021, Member, IAPA (Indonesia Indonesian Association For Public Administration).


Curvilinear relationship between intra-team trust and team innovation: the moderating role of task complexity

A Qualitative Study on Mentoring Practices and Challenges in Indonesia

Team Monitoring, Does it Matter for Team Performance? Moderating role of Team Monitoring on Team Psychological Safety and Team Learning

Discomfort and organizational change as a part of becoming a world-class university

Dynamic managerial capability, trust in leadership and performance: the role of cynicism toward change

Does love of money matter for innovative work behavior in public sector organizations? Evidence from Indonesia

Policy adoption process on climate change adaptation

Bibliometric Analysis of Public Sector Innovation

From solitary to an adaptive continuum process: Toward a new framework of natural disaster emergency decision-making Open Access

Organisational change capacity and performance: the moderating effect of coercive pressure

Market orientation and capacity for change in higher education performance in Indonesia

Empowering leadership and behavioural support for change: the moderating role of a diverse climate

Middle manager capabilities and organisational performance: the mediating effect of organisational capacity for change

The role of cynicism in follower championing behavior: the moderating effect of empowering leadership 

Analyzing the critical factors for innovation sustainability in the public sector: evidence from Indonesia

The Institutionalization of Public Innovation: Evidence from Indonesia