Bima Katangga, S.IP, MPA.


Smart City

Digital Government

Public Sector Employee

Quantitative Analysis

Research Interest

Smart City

Digital Government

Public Sector Employee

Quantitative Analysis

Education Background

2021, MPA – in Public Policy and Management, Universitas Gadjah Mada

2017, S.IP – in International Relations, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Experience & Grant

2024, Assistant Editor, Jurnal Administrasi dan Kebijakan Publik (JKAP)

2024, Recipient of FISIPOL Research Grant for Triple Helix Category

2023, Recipient of MAP Research Grant

2023, Recipient of IGPA Research Grant

2022, Consultant, background study of Regional Development Planning of Bekasi City

2022, Consultant, Monitoring Regional Development Achievements of Balikpapan City

2021, Recipient of FISIPOL Research Grant for Master Student Category

2021, Research Assistant, Social License Index Assessment of PT. PERTAMINA Hulu of East Kalimantan

2018, Research Assistant, of Consumer Action Program Surveys, Women World Banking

2018, Enumerator, Microfinance Sanitation Operations, WATER.ORG 2022