Dr. Erda Rindrasih


Geography-Regional Development 

Urban and Regional Planning

Tourism and International Development.


2014 – 2020 : PhD – International Development Studies (IDS), Social Geography and Planning, Faculty of Geoscience Utrecht University Netherland Research title: “Travelling in the Ring of Fire: Tourism Development in the disaster-prone environment” 

2007 – 2009 : MURP – Social Science School, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM), USA Research title: “The Analysis of Tourism Development Masterplan of Yogyakarta” 

2000 – 2004 : Bachelor – Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. Indonesia. Research title: “The prospect of Kalibayem area post flooding for Community Based Tourism”

Experience & Membership

  • 2021: Lecturer (parttime) in International Undergraduate Program (IUP) Manajemen Kebijakan Publik, Faculty of Social and Political Science, UGM – mata kuliah: International Tourism.
  • 2020: Jaminan Mutu Coordinator (Parttime), Tourism Studies Program, the Graduate School UGM.
  • 2010 – 2014: Peneliti (SK Rektor UGM), Center for Tourism Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.
  • 2013 – 2014: Director Executive, Center for Indonesian Excellent (CIE), Institute Technology Yogyakarta.
  • 2005 – 2007: Researcher, Center for Tourism Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.


  • 2021-present: International Expert member of Shared Value Foundation Belanda.
  • 2009: East West Center Alumni
  • 2009: International Fellowship Program Alumni (IFP)
  • 2009: Member of Indonesia Social Justice Network (ISJN) 
  • 2007: International Fellowship Program
  • 2007: Member of American Planning Association (APA) Chapter of Hawaii, USA
  • 2004: Member of Geographer Indonesia Association (IGGI)


2022 Team Leader on Master Plan Development Acceleration Sumba Island, East Nusa Tenggara, funded by the Ministry of Bappenas. 

2022 Leader on Rencana Penanggulangan Bencana RPB KSPN Wakatobi, Sulawesi Tenggara, funded by BNPB 

2022 Team Member Tourism Development Master Plan, Magelang Regency, Central Java 

2022 Team Member Background Study of Bekasi City, West Java 

2021     Team Leader Integrated Master Plan, Tourism Area of Ulapan, Province Bali. funded by BAPPENAS 

2021- 2022

Team Leader Market Analysis Demand Assessment, Intergrated Tourism Master Plan (MADA ITMP) Labuan Bajo, Ministry of Public Work and World Bank


Re-focusing Paradise: Analyzing the Tourism for Development Tools Considering Pandemic Covid-19 Case Study: Ubud Bali, Indonesia.  

Media Framing of Disasters and Its Implications for Tourism Industry Policy: Case of Surabaya terrorist attack 2018 and Mt. Agung eruption 2017, Indonesia. 

The Halal Tourism Trajectory: the emergence and challenges the case of Aceh, Indonesia. 

 Reinventing the post-disaster cultural landscape of heritage tourism in Kotagede, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Life after tsunami: the transformation of a post-tsunami and post-conflict tourist destination; the case of halal tourism, Aceh, Indonesia.   

Tourism and Disasters: Impact of disaster events on tourism development in Indonesia 1998–2016 and structural approach policy responses 

Tourist’s Perceived Risk and Image of the Destinations Prone to Natural Disasters: The Case of Bali and Yogyakarta, Indonesia.   

Under the Volcano: Responses of a Community-Based Tourism Village to the 2010 Eruption of Mount Merapi, Indonesia.   

Travelling without a helmet: tourists’ vulnerabilities and responses to disasters in Indonesia.   

Tourism and Disaster: The Review of Government Policy toward the Impact of Natural Disaster on Tourism Industry Performance.  

The Impact of Environmental Changes After Merapi Eruption 2010 Toward the Image of Tourism 

Community Based Tourism in Crisis Management Due to Natural Disaster. 

The Impact of Environmental Changes After Merapi Eruption 2010 Toward the Image of Tourism.