Dr. Muyanja Ssenyonga Z. Jameaba



financial stability

financial inclusion

emerging technologies

Research Interest


financial stability

financial inclusion

emerging technologies

Education Background

2003 Dr. on Agriculture Economics, Graduate Studies Program, UGM

1997 M.Si on Management, UGM

1991 B.A (Hons), IUIU, Mbale (Uganda)

Experience & Membership

Capability Development and Human Development Association (HDCA)

Corporate Finance Institute (Canada)

Chartered Management Institute (Canada)

2017, participated in developing a brochure to sensitize conservation awareness in junior school students in forest dependent communities in Kalimantan, Indonesia

2016, Taught academic writing course to double degree graduate programs, Master Program in Public Policy, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

2014, participated in a training workshop and conference on impact evaluation: GDN-ADB-3IE, Manila, the Philippines

2012, co authored book on fostering financial stability in APEC

2011, co-convener of international seminar on efforts to foster financial stability held in Yogyakarta, 2011 under the auspices of Center for Asia and Pacific Studies Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

2009, provided services as external affairs academic engagement staff to the Rector, Atma Jaya University 6

2005, part time teacher of development economics Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta


Digitalization, Emerging Technologies, and Financial Stability: Challenges and Opportunities for the Indonesian Banking Industry and Beyond

Financial Education, Innovation, Risk Management and Performance in the Auto-parts industry during the Pandemic-Induced downturn

Imperatives for post COVID-19 recovery of Indonesia’s education, labor, and SME sectors

Mitigating the adversity of one financial crisis only to Precipitate another : Lessons on Sovereign debt Exposure to the Domestic Banking System in Italy.

Improving the Quality of Economic Development to Reverse Rising Income Inequality: Why Financial Inclusion may not be the Magic Bullet for Indonesia

Deposit insurance and financial intermediation: The case of Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation

Enhancing Education Effectiveness: In Which ‘Education’ Should Society’s Hard-Earned Money Go?

Contributing to Financial Market Stability in APEC Economies 

Promoting good industrial relations in the Oil and Gas sector in Indonesia