R. Derajad Sulistyo Widhyharto, S.Sos., M.Si.


sosiologi ekonomi

sosiologi perkotaan

sosiologi Kesehatan

perencanaan social

sosiologi energi dalam ranah transdisiplin

studi sosial kepemudaan dan digital

sirkular ekonomi 


2021 Doctoral Program, Sociology, Universitas Gadjah Mada 

2006 MA in Public Policy and Management/M.Si. Graduate Program. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada.

1999 BA in Sociology/S.Sos. Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

1995 Diploma in Economics Development Studies/A.Md, Faculty of Economy, 

Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Research Experience   (3 years)

  1.   Evaluation of Pioneer Flights in Papua: Case Studies of Timika, Yahukimo,                     Tana mera and Oksibil, Ministry of Transportation-UGM

2023-2024     Impact and social risk of coal operation and over dimension over loading transportation at Hulu Rokan Power Plant Selection, State Electricity Company-CES UGM

  1.                 Social impacts of station and urban rail development, Ministry of Transportation-UGM

 2023             Women and Energy Transition: Gender, Equality, Disiability and Social Inclusion in the        Villages Perspective, Asia Development Bank – CES UGM

2022  Feasibility study of Jakarta-surabaya high speed train: Social Impact and Potential Risk analysis, Ministry of Transportation-PT KAI-UGM

2022-2025 Public Transport Decarbonized based urban tactical and digital survey in North Sumartra: Social Advocacy, gender, equality, disability and Social Inclusion. UK-PACT – UGM

2021         Digital Nomad: Tracking and Social Network Analysis, Big Data Lab Fisipol UGM


Turning Weaknesses into Strengths: Igniting Youth’s Sensitivity and New Culture of Waste Management

 Social Network Analysis (SNA) on #kristengray hashtag: Understanding Gentrification Side Effect Behind The Digital Nomad Phenomenon


Twitter Based Digital Social Movement Pattern to Fight COVID-19                  

Customer Behavior and EV Charging Service Business  

Silent Political Apathy in Urban Society: The Case of Medan 2018 Election

Youth Within Transition: Education and Employment in Yogyakarta  

Post-Installation: Insight of Coastal Area Society In Hybrid Power Generator of Pantai Baru 

Women as Agents of Socio-Economic Change in the Coastal Community of Pantai Baru

Mengubah Kelemahan menjadi Kekuatan: Memantik Kepekaan dan Budaya Baru Pengelolaan Sampah Pada Kaum Muda

Shared Value Practices in Small Industry Batik Sumenep Madura, East Java

Aktivisme dan Kesukarelawanan dalam Media Sosial Komunitas Kaum Muda Yogyakarta     

Industry, Government and Civil Society Cooperation. Reflektif Journal, UIN Sunan Kalijaga

Book chapter

Addressing Global Issues with Collective and Concerted Actions, G20 Forum     (Chapter 6), UGM Press

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