Capaian “keberhasilan” program dana desa yang dilaksanakan pemerintah pusat sejak tahun 2015-2019 perlu kita cermati kembali. Berdasarkan data statistik yang dikeluarkan Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) nasional menunjukkan bahwa jumlah angka kemiskinan dari tahun ke tahun menunjukkan trend penurunan. Namun, bila trend angka penurunan tersebut dicermati lebih mendalam, dibalik angka penurunan tersebut ternyata disertai dengan trend tingkat semakin parahnya kemiskinan yang juga merangkak naik tiap tahunnya. Artinya, bahwa ketimpangan dalam struktur sosial masyarakat antara kelas sosial “bawah dan atas” semakin parah terjadi.

Bulletin Insight edisi 1 (8) yang diterbitkan oleh IGPA MAP UGM memperlihat tentang kontribusi kebijakan Dana Desa dan BUM Desa yang justru memicu semakin timpangnya desa. Penulis menggunakan dua desa percontohan nasional yang berhasil meraup hasil pendapatan mencapai milyaran rupiah tiap tahunnya sebagai studi kasus. Di balik realitas dua desa percontohan, penulis berhasil mengambarkan gradasi sosial yang timpang antara reproduksi sosial kaum elite desa, dengan kaum buruh di desa. Alih-alih para buruh serabutan diberdayakan dan disejahterakan melalui dana desa, tulisan ini menemukan sesuatu yang sebaliknya.


Untuk membaca Bulletin INSIGHT Edisi 1 (8), silahkan dapat diundah di sini: Bulletin INSIGHT Edisi 1 (8)

The lack of Information and Communication Technology Asset Management (ICTAM) regulations in Indonesia has resulted in the management of ICT assets both at the central and regional levels being implemented without consistent procedures and standards. As an academic institution, the Department of Management and Public Policy (DMKP) In collaboration with IGPA conducted research on ICTAM as a result of the urgent need to establish regulations relating to ICTAM in Indonesia. We help the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia to prepare academic texts for the draft of ministerial regulation relating to ICTAM according to international standards and apply adaptive principles to various conditions in Indonesia.

From Offline to Online: Problems and Challenges in Online Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Committee for Handling COVID-19, National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN) and the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) are collaborating with the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Gadjah Mada in a study relating to online learning. The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Gadjah Mada appointed IGPA as the organizer of this activity. Later, IGPA collaborated with Forbil Institute to carry out this study.

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the reality of life in all sectors, one of which is the education sector. This study aims to explore the phenomenon of online  learning as a response to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the education sector in Indonesia. This study strengthens research from Rob Wallace in the book “Dead Epidemiologist” which shows that the current threat of plague is a serious danger to human life on earth and can appear at any time to infect many people. So this study is important as learning material regarding the complexity of online learning policy issues during the COVID-19 pandemic.

We present the output of this research in a documentary film entitled Pandai Me. Through a documentary film, IGPA and Forbil Institute are trying to provide an overview of the complexity of online learning policy issues during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is hoped that the messages delivered through audio-visual documentation to policy makers, related stakeholders and the general public will be conveyed effectively. The film can be watched at the following link

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Socio-Economics of Indonesia’s Vulnerable Workers

IGPA collaborated with the Forbil Institute conducted a preliminary study regarding the influence of social restrictions policy on the socio-economic conditions of vulnerable communities. The social restrictions policy has reduced the economic activities of the community, thereby impacting their income levels during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study used interview techniques via telephone and online platforms. We found that the COVID-19 pandemic not only caused economic vulnerability in society but also deepened economic vulnerability that existed before the pandemic and even created new vulnerable communities to emerge. This research recommends basic needs assistance policies as an alternative for COVID-19 response measures. Apart from that, efforts to formulate policies that continuously reduce socio-economic vulnerability need to be made. The results of this research were published a book “Governance for Handling COVID-19 in Indonesia: Preliminary Study (chapter 3)