Entries by Administrator

Millennial Generation’s Perception of the National Mental Revolution Movement

Millennial Generation’s Perception of the National Mental Revolution Movement The Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture collaborated with YouSure and IGPA to carry out research entitled Millennial Generation Perception Survey of the National Mental Revolution Movement. A program developed by the elected president for 2015 – 2019 which seeks to improve people’s ethical behavior. […]

Social Media Literacy in Overcoming Disinformation in Gondolayu Yogyakarta

Social Media Literacy in Overcoming Disinformation in Gondolayu Yogyakarta This community service is a downstream of an international collaborative grant research entitled ICT Development Index Indonesia (2017). This research found that the high use of ICT in Indonesia was not accompanied by the community’s ability to use ICT, which then led to the massive spread […]

Assessing the Performance of New Provinces Decentralized Governance in Indonesia : The Case of Banten and North Kalimantan Provinces

Assessing the Performance of New Provinces Decentralized Governance in Indonesia : The Case of Banten and North Kalimantan Provinces  Prof. Dr. Wahyudi Kumorotomo, MPP; Prof. Dr. Haryanto Dr. I Wayan Nuka Lantara, Kurnia Cahyaningrum Effendi, Dr. Terry van Dijk   IGPA received a research grant from Fisipol UGM in collaboration with the University of Groningen, […]

Social Media Literacy in Overcoming Disinformation in Gondolayu Yogyakarta

Social Media Literacy in Overcoming Disinformation in Gondolayu Yogyakarta This community service is a downstream of an international collaborative grant research entitled ICT Development Index Indonesia (2017). This research found that the high use of ICT in Indonesia was not accompanied by the community’s ability to use ICT, which then led to the massive spread […]

Millennial Generation’s Perception of the National Mental Revolution Movement

Millennial Generation’s Perception of the National Mental Revolution Movement The Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture collaborated with YouSure and IGPA to carry out research entitled Millennial Generation Perception Survey of the National Mental Revolution Movement. A program developed by the elected president for 2015 – 2019 which seeks to improve people’s ethical behavior. […]

Sengkarut Tata Kelola Bencana dan Upaya Penyelesaiannya

IGPA mempersembahkan Insight edisi Februari 2019 yang berjudul Sengkarut Tata Kelola Bencana dan Upaya Penyelesaiannya. Tahun 2018 menyisakan berbagai duka akibat bencana alam yang melanda Indonesia, terutama di Lombok, Palu-Donggala dan Selat Sunda. Begitu banyaknya kerugian yang dialami dan begitu ba nyak nyawa yang melayang. Hal ini tentunya bisa diminimalisir dengan strategi mitigasi bencana. INSIGHT […]

Kebijakan Publik dalam Pusaran Perubahan Ideologi: Dari Kuasa Negara ke Dominasi Pasar

Perubahan dari masa Orde Baru menuju Reformasi, turut membentuk kepengaturan ulang bagi berjalannya akumulasi kapital dan relasi kekuasaan negara. Pada masa Orde Baru kekuasaan berjalan secara terpusat. Kebijakan publik menjadi kewenangan tunggal dari pemerintah di bawah kendali rezim otoritarian Soeharto. Walaupun liberalisasi pasar telah dibuka di pertengahan 1980-an, akan tetapi kepentingan akumulasi kapital harus bernegosiasi […]

Religion, Commodity and Power

MAP Corner and MKP Club held discussions on the theme of Religion, Commodification and Power. This discussion brought Abdul Gaffar Karim, a lecturer of DPP UGM as a lighter discussion. This discussion is part of the 20th anniversary of the reformation of Indonesia. For starters, Gaffar tells about the history of the relationship between religion […]