This research aims to determine the dynamics of the struggle between social actors such as the government, Indocement Ltd., the pro community, and the contra community in responding to the Indocement CSR program in Pati and the relationship between the Indocement CSR program and the expansion efforts carried out by PT Indocement to Pati Regency […]
The AHP-SWOT Analysis of Strategies for Disaster Risk Reduction in Tourist Area of Borobudur, Indonesia Dr. Erda Rindrasih, MURP, Dr. Ratminto, M.Pol.Admin, Kurnia Cahyaningrum Effendi, SIP, MPA, Dian Silviani, S.AP. Seiring dengan meningkatnya mobilitas manusia dan meningkatnya konektivitas infrastruktur, risiko bencana diperkirakan akan meningkat, terutama di destinasi wisata alam seperti taman nasional. Di Indonesia, […]