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Forced to work in old age: a study of elderly online drivers

Haening Ratna Sumiar, S.Psi, M.Sc., Andi Adnan, S.Sos, Rahmad Indrawan Manopo, S.A.P, M. Wahyu Agani, S.IP., Much Faisal Syahputra


This research aimed to understand the working conditions and work motivation of elderly online drivers. At least 15 elderly online drivers participated in this research. The results of our research show that all elderly online drivers still have dependents (wife and children) who need to be supported. So financial motivation is the main reason they become online drivers. Apart from that, inadequate working conditions, including control of algorithms and low wages, increase their vulnerability as elderly online drivers. However, the flexibility of time and ease of requirements to become an online drivers are advantages in this sector.


Policy Diffusion of Indonesian Bureaucratic Simplification Policies in the Era of Regional Autonomy (Case Study of Yogyakarta Special Region)


The goal of this study is to understand the effects of the bureaucratic simplification policy transfer from central to regional government, particularly in relation to Indonesia’s decision to eliminate Echelon 3 and Echelon 4. In order to enhance public services and accelerate community access to public services, Echelons 3 and 4 were eliminated to shorten the bureaucratic process. This research takes the case of DIY as one of the regions with the best Bureaucratic Reform Index in Indonesia. Interviews were held with representatives from the following organizations in the Special Region of Yogyakarta: Regional Planning and Development Agency, Women’s Empowerment, Child Protection and Population Control Service, Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services, Financial and Asset Management Agency, and Regional Personnel Agency. The results of this research indicate that the transfer of bureaucratic simplification policies was not carried out completely (incomplete transfer) from the central government to regional governments. The transition of positions was not prepared carefully, resulting in a lot of confusion regarding work mechanisms. Unequal awareness of the necessity of this policy among civil servants resulting in the minimum, or worse, no improvement in public services.


Institutionalizing Smart City: a city and a municipality perspective 

Bima Katangga, S.IP, MPA. Sania Octa Priscilia, S.A.P dan Andre Lofika Pegi, S.AP


Penelitian ini mengkaji implementasi konsep smart city di Kota Yogyakarta dengan fokus pada fenomena-fenomena yang muncul selama proses penerapan. Berdasarkan temuan awal, penelitian ini menyoroti beberapa masalah krusial seperti kesalahpahaman konsep smart city, paternalisme dalam pengambilan keputusan, governmentality dalam regulasi dan perencanaan, serta kurangnya penetapan target dan indikator penilaian kesuksesan. Melalui pendekatan analisis interpretatif mendalam, studi ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan kompleksitas dan ambiguitas dalam perencanaan dan pelaksanaan kota pintar di Kota Yogyakarta, menekankan perlunya pendekatan yang komprehensif dan kolaboratif.


Institutionalizing Smart City: a city and a municipality perspective 

Bima Katangga, S.IP, MPA. Sania Octa Priscilia, S.A.P dan Andre Lofika Pegi, S.AP


This study aims to explain the complexity and ambiguity in smart city planning and implementation in Yogyakarta City, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive and collaborative approach. We examine the implementation of the smart city concept Through an in-depth interpretive analysis approach. Our study focused on the issues that arise during the implementation of smart city in Yogyakarta City. Our findings highlight several crucial problems such as misunderstanding of the smart city concept, paternalism in decision making, governmentality in regulations and planning, as well as the lack of target setting and success assessment indicators. 

Antecedent Total Reward and Its Influence on Innovative Work Behavior

Dr. Ely Susanto, M.B.A., Dr. Supia Yuliana, S.Si., MM, Bima Katangga, S.IP, MPA., Nadiyah Salsa Billah, S.AP.


This research explores the factors that influence employee innovation in public organizations using quantitative methods. This study identified Job Engagement as a key factor, because workers who have high enthusiasm, dedication and absorption are more likely to find innovative solutions. Employee Resilience and Distributive Justice are also important for increasing innovation. Employees who feel rewarded with a living wage are more likely to look for innovative solutions. This research found that younger employees show more innovative behavior compared to more senior employees. This research can help develop strategies to strengthen employee innovation in the public sector.


“Mapping Out The Indonesian Policy Makers’ Perceptions On Electric Vehicles And Energy Transition”

Tim : 

Wahyudi Kumorotomo, R.Derajad S. Widhyharto,  Kurnia Cahyaningrum Effendi, Marzuki, 

Dian Silviani 




Indonesia bertujuan untuk mencapai nol emisi karbon bersih pada tahun 2060 dengan mempercepat transisi energi hijau melalui pengembangan kendaraan listrik. Namun, proses ini menghadapi tantangan seperti konflik kepentingan antara sektor yang mendukung dan menentang kendaraan listrik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi perspektif para pembuat kebijakan dalam pengembangan kendaraan listrik nasional di Indonesia dan hubungan mereka untuk memastikan pembangunan berkelanjutan yang rendah karbon. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, termasuk wawancara dengan lebih dari 36 informan dari berbagai sektor dan analisis data sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kendaraan listrik dapat mengurangi emisi, mendiversifikasi sumber energi, menstimulasi perekonomian, mendorong kemajuan teknologi, dan mengatasi hambatan regulasi. Namun, proses kebijakan untuk transportasi darat didominasi oleh pendekatan top-down, yang mengindikasikan adanya potensi konflik kepentingan antara pemerintah dan industri. Temuan-temuan ini akan digunakan sebagai rekomendasi kebijakan bagi pemerintah pusat untuk mengembangkan sektor kendaraan listrik secara berkelanjutan.


Data Management in Strategic Planning: Case Study of Bekasi City

Dr. Nunuk Dwi Retnandari, M.Si, Detra, Ilham


This study assesses the integrity of data managed by local governments in Indonesia for strategic planning purposes. The report highlights the difficulties in generating high-quality data through data governance and proposes solutions such as alignment of resources, implementation of inclusive technologies, and promotion of data literacy. The study emphasizes the need to improve data accessibility, usability, uniformity, integration, security, and regulatory compliance.

Improving e-commerce ecosystem as an approach to strengthening digital transformation initiatives

Muyanja Ssenyonga, PhD, Muhammad  Pudail, Erwin-Al- Fatih


This research analyzes the performance of the e-commerce ecosystem in Indonesia by investigating the experiences and perceptions of sellers, courier service officers and buyers. This research uses a descriptive research design. Surveys are used to collect primary data while secondary data is obtained from credible sources that are easily accessible online including websites, blogs, official reports, research papers, and other sources deemed relevant to the topic. The research results show that as components of the e-commerce ecosystem, sellers, couriers and buyers have similar problems, but there are also many areas where they show marked differences in their perceptions of opportunities, challenges and obstacles. Sellers consider access to financing, the ability to stock a variety of merchandise, the costs of transporting merchandise from suppliers to their locations and delivering it to customers, merchandise returns, and increased competition as issues they consider important to the success of their businesses. Meanwhile, buyers consider product variety, value, transportation, packaging quality, timeliness of delivery, brand, product condition during delivery, courier performance as several considerations in deciding to make an online purchase. Courier service staff, considering the financing of their operations, flexibility of working conditions, insurance, transparency of remuneration, mode of payment for delivered products (COD or prepaid), and the risk of losing merchandise before delivery to buyers are issues that influence their perception of their work. The main contributions of this study include providing information to e-commerce development policies regarding what needs to be done to improve performance; identify key stakeholders and the roles they play in the ecosystem; the obstacles and challenges they currently face, and perceptions regarding the prospects for the e-commerce space in Indonesia. This study also provides perspectives on issues of concern to the Indonesian e-commerce space including competition, transportation and logistics, as well as the role in the digital economy. The research results provide guidelines for improving Indonesian e-commerce in the future, including the need to ensure that improvements impact all components of the ecosystem, namely e-commerce platform infrastructure, sellers, couriers, buyers and regulators; involving all key policy stakeholders in formulation and implementation; transaction payment method; and a number of practices that need to be improved for the progress of e-commerce in the future.