Millennial Generation’s Perception of the National Mental Revolution Movement

The Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture collaborated with YouSure and IGPA to carry out research entitled Millennial Generation Perception Survey of the National Mental Revolution Movement. A program developed by the elected president for 2015 – 2019 which seeks to improve people’s ethical behavior. The survey aims to determine the perceptions of millennial youth towards the National Movement for Mental Revolution. This research was performed in October-November 2017. We conducted our study in the Special Region of Yogyakarta Province by online surveys of middle school and high school students In Yogyakarta Province. We complement our study by organizing focus group discussion involving youth in Yogyakarta. The research results showed the lack of socialization of this program to the community. As a result, the proposed presidential program did not have a significant impact on improving the ethical behavior of society.



The AHP-SWOT Analysis of Strategies for Disaster Risk Reduction in Tourist Area of Borobudur, Indonesia

Dr. Erda Rindrasih, MURP, Dr. Ratminto, M.Pol.Admin, Kurnia Cahyaningrum Effendi, SIP, MPA, Dian Silviani, S.AP.


Seiring dengan meningkatnya mobilitas manusia dan meningkatnya konektivitas infrastruktur, risiko bencana diperkirakan akan meningkat, terutama di destinasi wisata alam seperti taman nasional. Di Indonesia, banyak destinasi wisata terkenal yang terletak di daerah yang rawan bencana, di mana hanya ada sedikit upaya untuk mengimplementasikan strategi dan program yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi risiko bagi wisatawan dan penduduk lokal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi strategi untuk meningkatkan pengurangan risiko bencana di kawasan Borobudur Prambanan Yogyakarta, Indonesia, yang rentan terhadap bencana. Analisis AWOT (AHP+SWOT) digunakan untuk melakukan perbandingan berpasangan terhadap faktor-faktor yang ada untuk memprioritaskan faktor-faktor tersebut berdasarkan nilai eigen dan menghasilkan opsi-opsi strategis untuk meningkatkan pengurangan risiko bencana di daerah-daerah tujuan wisata. Temuan yang paling penting dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa penerapan kebijakan penggunaan lahan untuk meningkatkan pengembangan pariwisata dengan tetap mempertimbangkan dampak bencana merupakan hal yang sangat penting. Studi ini memperkuat landasan metodologis untuk menentukan strategi dalam mengurangi risiko bencana di kawasan pariwisata, khususnya dengan fokus pada kasus destinasi wisata Borobudur, Yogyakarta, dan Prambanan.


The AHP-SWOT Analysis of Strategies for Disaster Risk Reduction in Tourist Area of Borobudur, Indonesia

Dr. Erda Rindrasih, MURP, Dr. Ratminto, M.Pol.Admin, Kurnia Cahyaningrum Effendi, SIP, MPA, Dian Silviani, S.AP.


Along with the increasing human mobility and infrastructure connectivity, so does the projection of disaster risks, especially in natural tourist destinations such as national parks. In Indonesia, many well-known tourist destinations are located in disaster-prone areas, where there has been little effort to implement strategies and programs aimed at reducing risks to tourists and local residents. This research aims to identify strategies to increase disaster risk reduction in the Borobudur Prambanan Yogyakarta area, Indonesia, which is vulnerable to disasters. AWOT analysis (AHP+SWOT) is used to carry out pairwise comparisons of existing factors to prioritize these factors based on eigenvalues and produce strategic options to increase disaster risk reduction in tourist destination areas. The most important finding from this research is that implementing land use policies to increase tourism development while still considering the impact of disasters is very important. This study strengthens the methodological basis for determining strategies for reducing disaster risk in tourism areas, specifically focusing on the case of the tourist destinations Borobudur, Yogyakarta and Prambanan.